American Dante Bibliography for 2021

Compiled by Martha Culshaw and Eva Plesnik

This bibliography is intended to include all publications relating to Dante (books, articles, translations, reviews) published in North America in 2021, including reviews published in North American journals of books published elsewhere.

The following entries are also included in the comprehensive Bibliografia Dantesca Internazionale/International Dante Bibliography database, maintained by the Società Dantesca Italiana with the collaboration of the Dante Society of America since 2017; see:

The Bibliographical Committee of the Dante Society of America (E. Brilli, C. Dupont, and A. Wainwright) supervised the American Dante Bibliography for 2021. We are grateful to the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto, for its generous support of this year’s bibliography. 

Please send notices of any corrections or omissions to


L'enfer de Dante: Mis en vulgaire parlure, transl. by Antoine Brea. Montréal (QC): Le Quartanier Éditeur, 2021. Print.

Purgatorio, transl. by D. M. Black, preface by Robert Pogue Harrison. New York (NY): New York Review Books, 2021. Print.

Purgatorio, transl. by Mary Jo Bang. Minneapolis (MN): Graywolf Press, 2021. Print.



Cacciari, Massimo. Philosophy, Mysticism, and the Political: Essays on Dante, Alessandro Carrera, ed., transl. by Giorgio Mobili. Albany (NY): SUNY Press, 2021. Print.

Cook, Christopher D. Dante on Stamps: A Septicentennial Catalog. Berrien Springs (MI): Silver Anchor Press, 2021. Print.

Cookson Smith, Peter. After Dante: Divine, Design, and the Cosmos. Novato (CA): ORO Editions, 2021. Print.

Deen Schildgen, Brenda. Dante and Violence: Domestic, Civic, Cosmic. Notre Dame (IN): Notre Dame University Press, 2021. Print.

Franke, William. Dante's Paradiso and the Theological Origins of Modern Thought: Toward a Speculative Philosophy of Self-Reflection. New York (NY): Routledge, 2021

Franke, William. Dante's Vita Nuova and the New Testament: Hermeneutics and the Poetics of Revelation, with the original Italian text and a new English translation of the Vita nuova. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Print. [online:]

Lummus, David, ed. The Decameron Sixth Day in Perspective. Toronto (ON): University of Toronto Press, 2021. Print. [Dante passim]

Moore, Dinty W. To Hell with It: Of Sin and Sex, Chicken Wings, and Dante's Entirely Ridiculous, Needlessly Guilt-Inducing Inferno. Lincoln (NE): University of Nebraska Press, 2021. Print.

Philipps-Robins, Helena. Liturgical Song and Practice in Dante's Commedia. Notre Dame (IN): University of Notre Dame Press, 2021. Print.

Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021. Print.

Watt, Mary Alexandra. Dante's Golden Legend. Auto-Hagiography in the Divine Comedy. Macon (GA): Mercer University Press, 2021. Print.



Cai, Cecily. Music and Exile in Twentieth-Century German, Italian, and Polish literature: PhD dissertation, Harvard University: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. Print. [Dante passim]

Carlson, Joseph. Dante in the Schoolroom of the Stars: Toward a Doxological Pedagogy: MA dissertation, University of Dallas: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. Print.

Collins, James M. The Surreal Voice in Milan's Itinerant Poetics: Delio Tessa to Franco Loi: PhD dissertation, City University of New York: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. Print. [Dante passim]

Culbreth, Natasha. Dante's Inferno Educational Game: MA dissertation, Mills College: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. Print.

De Liberali, Gloria. Lorenzo Costa’s ‘Triumphs’ in the Bentivoglio Chapel: The Journey of the Soul and Artistic Invention in Renaissance Bologna: PhD dissertation, University of Washington: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. Print. [Dante passim]

De Thomasis, Sandro-Angelo. "Sursum ductio." Reasoning Upward. An Investigation into the Vertical Structure of Dante's Commedia: PhD dissertation, Yale University: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. Print.

Gelmi, Alberto. Prophecy, Emanation, and the Mediterranean Middle Ages: PhD dissertation, City University of New York: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. Print. [Dante pp. 164-168]

Lopez, Christina. The "Questioni d'Amore" Reconsidered: Contextualizing Boccaccio's Amatory Manual: PhD dissertation, Columbia University: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. Print. [Dante passim]

Moretti, Maddalena. 'Come una specie di guida': Pasolini's Reconceptualisation of Dante in His Theory and Practice of Realism: PhD dissertation, University of Leeds: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. Print.

Priviero, Tommaso. Of 'Fire' and 'Form': From Dante's Commedia to C.G. Jung's Liber Novus: PhD dissertation, University of London: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. Print.

Rivard, Casey-Anne. Beyond Dante: The Figural Embodiment of a Fascist Ethos in Amos Nattini's Lucifer: MA dissertation, McGill University: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. Print.

Saretto, Gianmarco Ennio. Consuming the Word: Figures of Vernacular Translation in Late Medieval Christian Poetry: PhD dissertation, Columbia University: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. Print. [Dante chpt. 1]

Stark, Rachel Marlena. The History of a Trope: From Homer to Milton: MA dissertation, Oklahoma State University: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. Print. [Dante pp. 20-26]

Smith, Daniel Stanley. Dreaming in Public: Art, Politics, and Power in Late Medieval Rome: PhD dissertation, Stanford University: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. Print. [Dante pp. 157-162; on ms. British Library, Egerton 943]

Taylor, Hillary. Mining Metals, Mining Minds: An Exploration of Georgius Agricola's Natural Philosophy in De re metallica (1556): PhD dissertation, Vanderbilt University: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. Print. [Dante pp. 55-57]


Affatato, Rosa. "'Dare a molti': The Trecento Commentaries on Inferno 26". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 285-304. Print.

Afonso, Filipa. "Cathedrals of Light: An Overview of Dante's Commedia and Bonaventure's Thought". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 33-46. Print.

Algaze, Ariela. "The Artistic Program of the Baptistry of San Giovanni in Dante's Liturgical Imagination". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 399-427. Print. [online:]

Allegretti, Paola. "Dante Alighieri nell’Archivio Apostolico Vaticano: un documento del 1320".  Dante Studies. The Annual Journal of the Dante Society of America 139, (2021): 1-23. Print. [online:; on mss. Archivio Apostolico Vaticano, Instr. Misc. 689A and Instr. Misc. 689B]

Andreacchio, Marco. "Christianity and Philosophy in Dante: A Critical Response to Paul Stern,  Dante's Philosophical Life". Mediaevalia 42, (2021): 143-186. Print. [online:]

Ardissino, Erminia. "Dante e i nomi di Dio per perifrasi". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 296-315. Print. [online:]

Ardizzone, Maria Luisa. "'accipiendo vel compliando ab aliis': De vulgari eloquentia I.I. Reading Dante with Dante: A Contribution to Dante's Theory of Language". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 548-567. Print. [online:]

Arduini, Beatrice. "Memorie letterarie nel Convivio di Dante". The Romanic Review 112.1, (2021): 62-72. Print. [online:]

Aresu, Francesco Marco. "Intertestualità dantesche: un'allusione a Ennio?". The Romanic Review 112.1, (2021): 85-96. Print. [online:]

Bagorda, Anna. "The sphaera infinita in Dante's Paradiso: Between the Suspension of the 'geomètra' and Modern Physics". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 205-218. Print.

Baldi, Elio Attilio. "Sfida al pianeta di Anna Rinonapoli: intertestualità tra fantascienza ecologica, Stanislaw Lem e Dante". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.3, (Nov 2021): 772-790. Print. [Dante pp. 781, 783-785, 788; online:]

Ballesteros, Humberto. "Dante's Humanistic Ontology: Notes for a Reading of the Dialectic Hylomorphism of the Commedia". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 111-134. Print.

Banella, Laura. "Fiammetta and Héloïse: Boccaccio's Female Auctor and Women Intellectuals".  Mediaevalia 42, (2021): 227-267. Print. [Dante passim; online:]

Barański, Zygmunt G. "'Io credo...': 'Professing' Faith in Paradiso 24". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 496-523. Print. [online:]

Barolini, Teodolinda. "Dante and Cecco d'Ascoli on Love and Compulsion: The Epistle to Cino, Io sono stato, the Third Heaven". The Romanic Review 112.1, (2021): 39-61. Print. [online:]

Böninger, Lorenz. "Cristoforo Landino's Commented Edition of Dante's Divine Comedy (1481)". Böninger, Lorenz. Niccolò di Lorenzo della Magna and the social world of Florentine printing, ca. 1470-1493. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2021: 75-82. Print. [online:]

Bowers, Will. "Vallombrosa Visited, 1638-1851". Modern Philology 118.3, (February 2021): 364-389. Print. [Dante pp. 366, 372; online:]

Buonocore, Eleonora. "Remembering the Convivio: Dante and the Art of Memory". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 135-152. Print.

Callegari, Danielle. "John Freccero (1931–2021)". Dante Studies. The Annual Journal of the Dante Society of America 139, (2021): 217-219. Print. [online:]

Camozzi Pistoja, Ambrogio. "Ugolino and the Practice of Divination through Dreams". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 173-192. Print.

Cardillo, Giulia. "Dream of Prophets, Dreams of Poets". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 73-91. Print.

Chen, Qi. "Dante in the Chinese context: Translation, Study and Teaching". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 653-686. Print. [online:]

Cherchi, Paolo. "Sull'umiltà nella Commedia". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 316-335. Print. [online:]

Chida, Nassime. "Guido da Montefeltro and the Tyrants of Romagna in Inferno 27". The Romanic Review 112.1, (2021): 97-119. Print. [online:]

Chiodo, Carol. "Hitting the Mark: Projectile Motion and the 'segno lieto' in Dante's Commedia". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 193-204. Print.

Ciccuto, Marcello. "Fra Ovidio e Brunetto, nel fiume del tempo". The Romanic Review 112.1, (2021): 73-84. Print. [online:]

Coggeshall, Elizabeth. "'Eternal Hate Created Me As Well': In Search of Hate in Dante's Commedia". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 153-170. Print.

Colley, John. "Chaucer's 'Ebrayk Josephus' and The House of Fame". Studies in the Age of Chaucer 43, (2021): 45-74. Print. [Dante p. 65; online:]

Corbett, George. "Interpreting Dante's Commedia: Competing Approaches". Bibliotheca Dantesca: Journal of Dante Studies 4, (2021): 1-32. Print. [online:]

Cuesta Torre, María Luzdivina. "Francisco Imperial: poesía de cancionero y prosa de ficción en tiempos de los primeros trastámara castellanos". Romance Notes 61.2, (May 2021): 241-251. Print. [Dante pp. 241-244, 246, 248-249]

Damrosch, David. "Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy". Damrosch, David. Around the World in 80 Books. New York (NY): Penguin Press, 2021: 68-71. Print.

Del Puppo, Dario. "Text and Document in Dante's Vita nova". The Romanic Review 112.1, (2021): 10-23. Print. [online:]

Di Fonzo, Claudia. "Del Convivio e del perché Bartolo da Sassoferrato non lo conoscesse".  Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 642-652. Print. [online:]

Di Martino, Simona. "'Orecchie rose e labbra mozze' and Other Bodily Suffering in Alfonso Varano: Dantean Reminiscences in Eighteenth-Century Sepulchral Poetry". Bibliotheca Dantesca: Journal of Dante Studies 4, (2021): 121-138. Print. [online:]

Eadie, Loren. "'The play's the thing, wherein I'll show the glory of the (heavenly) king': Medieval Spectacle in Dante's Purgatorio". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds.  Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 247-262. Print.

Flack, Corey James. "Is Dante a Pilgrim? Pilgrimage, Material Culture, and Modern Dante Criticism". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 372-398. Print. [online:]

Franke, William. "Dante's Theology and Contemporary Thought: Recovering Transcendence?". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 627-641. Print. [online:]

Friedman, Edward H. "Margaret Olivant Reads Cervantes". Modern Language Notes 136.2, (2021): 353-373. Print. [Dante p. 354; online:]

Gaylard, Susan. "Machiavelli's Medical Mandragola: Knowledge, Food, and Feces".  Renaissance Quarterly 74.1, (2021): 59-93. Print. [Dante pp. 62, 63, 68, 76, 79, 80, 81, 86; online:]

Giusti, Francesco. "The Hinge of Time: Mothers and Sons in Barthes and Augustine".  Exemplaria 33.3, (2021): 280-295. Print. [Dante pp. 288, 294 (bibliographic entry), 295 (bibliographic entry); online:]

Granacki, Alyssa Madeline. "Domesticating Philosophy: Dante's Women in Boccaccio".  Mediaevalia 42, (2021): 269-297. Print. [online:]

Granacki, Alyssa Madeline. "'Molti e molte:' Women Readers and Lady Philosophy in Dante's  Convivio". Bibliotheca Dantesca: Journal of Dante Studies 4, (2021): 50-66. Print. [online:]

Grossi, Joseph. "Dante, Peacemaker of the Lunigiana". Dante Studies. The Annual Journal of the Dante Society of America 139, (2021): 58-93. Print. [online:]

Groves, Beatrice, and Vanita Neelakanta. "Transposed Appetites: Mary of Jerusalem's Cannibalism in Post-Reformation Narratives". Modern Philology 119.2, (November 2021): 189-212. Print. [Dante p. 192; online:]

Haley, Gabriel. "Petrarch's Secularized Contemplation". Essays in Medieval Studies 35, (2021): 115-133. Print. [Dante p. 123; online:]

Hassan, Waïl S. "Geopolitics of Comparison: World Literature avant la lettre". Comparative Literature 73.3, (2021): 255-269. Print. [Brief mention is made of Miguel Asín Palacios' work,  La escatalogia musulmana en La divina commedia (1919) as part of Juan Andrès' legacy of comparative literature recognizing the influence of Arabic sources in European literature. Also references the thesis positing the role of Islamic sources in the works of Dante. Dante p. 265, footnote 11; online:]

Helm, Jennifer. "Dante's Orthodoxy and the Authority of Knowledge". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 3-32. Print.

Heron, Nicholas. "The Superhuman Origins of Human Dignity: Kantorowicz's Dante". Journal of the History of Ideas. A Quarterly Devoted to Cultural and Intellectual History 82.3, (July 2021): 427-452. Print. [online:]

Holmes, John R. "How Tolkien Saved His Neck: A lusinghe Proposition to the Oxford Dante Society". Mythlore: A Journal of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles William, and Mythopoeic Literature 40.1, (2021): 193-207. Print. [online:]

Hosle, Paul. "New Light on Dante's Construction of Geryon". Bibliotheca Dantesca: Journal of Dante Studies 4, (2021): 67-86. Print. [online:]

Iglesias Rondina, María Clara. "The Rain of Hope: Theology and Exile in Paradiso 25". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 47-72. Print.

Indizio, Giuseppe. "Dante as a Florentine Lyrical Author". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (2021): 269-295. Print. [online:; on mss. Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Redi 9; Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Banco Rari 217; Madrid, Biblioteca di El Escorial, E.III.23; et al.]

Ingallinella, Laura. "The Canonization of Piccarda Donati". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 463-484. Print. [online:]

Jacobs, John. "'Light on the Water': The Reception of a Metaliterary Trope". Modern Philology 118.3, (February 2021): 409-417. Print. [Dante pp. 410, 414; online:]

Jacoff, Rachel, and Lino Pertile. "How We Became Dantisti". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2: Special Issue, (August 2021): 247-256. Print. [online:]

Jacoff, Rachel. "Circulating Melody in the Key of Sapphire: Paradiso 23". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 485-495. Print. [online:]

Jelbert, Rebecca. "Henry Moore's Wartime Drawings (1939–1942) and the Influence of Gustave Doré's illustrations for Dante’s Divine Comedy". Dante Studies. The Annual Journal of the Dante Society of America 139, (2021): 154-187. Print. [online:]

Jenkins, Ron. "Dante, Fatherhood and Starvation Behind Bars". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 568-580. Print. [online:]

Johnson, Junius. "Body-less Vision: An Examination of the Incarnational Theology of Paradiso 31-33". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 93-107. Print.

Kitch, Aaron. "Shakespeare's 'Monstrous State': Divination, Typology, and the Book of Nature in Julius Caesar". Modern Philology 118.3, (February 2021): 340-363. Print. [Dante p. 353, footnote 39; online:]

Lampert-Weissig, Lisa. "The Wasps' Nest: Antisemitism, Conspiracy Theory, and The Prioress's Tale". Studies in the Age of Chaucer 43, (2021): 111-149. Print. [Dante pp. 136-137; online:]

Lazzari, Gabriele. "Rethinking Diaspora Through Borders: Contemporary Somali Literature in English and Italian". Comparative Literature 73.1, (2021): 61-83. Print. [Brief mention of Dante's Commedia, and the Inferno in the context of discussing Somali-Italian authors' invoking of Italian canonical works and authors and the techniques used by these authors as a means to gain credibility. Dante pp. 72-73; online:]

Lloret, Albert. "Vernacular Philology on the Margins: Readers of Ausiàs March in BNE, R/3192, and R/5414". Modern Language Notes 136.2, (2021): 406-422. Print. [Dante pp. 413, 414, 420; online:]

Lucas, John S. "Aquell lonch e molt cobejat besar: The Kiss as Transgression in Curial e Güelfa". Romance Notes 61.2, (May 2021): 309-319. Print. [Dante pp. 317-318]

Magni, Isabella. "Cultural Mediations and Material Contexts of Dante's Commedia: The Case of Beinecke MS 428". The Romanic Review 112.1, (2021): 120-137. Print. [online:]

Marignani, Alessandro. "'Il piacer ch’avea di gire/cercando il mondo': Travel and Geography in  Orlando Furioso". Comitatus. A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 52, (2021): 187-215. Print. [Dante pp. 188, 190, 191, 195, 196, 201; online:]

Markos, Louis. "Plato in the West: Augustine, Boethius, and Dante". Markos, Louis. From Plato to Christ: How Platonic Thought Shaped the Christian Faith. Downers Grove (IL): InterVarsity Press, 2021: 146-156. Print. [Dante pp. 153-156]

Maselli, Matteo. "Seven Hundred Years After Dante's Death. The Imperishable Image of an Eternal Poet". Bibliotheca Dantesca: Journal of Dante Studies 4, (2021): 199-211. Print. [online:]

Mazzotta, Giuseppe. "Music and Political History (Paradiso 15-17)". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 305-318. Print.

McCloskey, Jason. "Schopenhauer in Dante's Garden of Eden: Melancholy and Rubén Darío's 'Autumnal'". Comparative Literature 73.4, (2021): 463-488. Print. [online:]

Meghini, Carlo, Mirko Tavoni, and Michelangelo Zaccarello. "Mapping the Knowledge of Dante Commentaries in the Digital Context: A Web Ontology Approach". The Romanic Review 112.1, (2021): 138-157. Print. [online:]

Moudarres, Andrea. "A Less Perfect Captain: Reconsidering Goffredo in the Gerusalemme Liberata". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.1, (May 2021): 3-20. Print. [Dante p. 6; online:]

Nemegeer, Guylian, and Mara Santi. "Gabriele d'Annunzio's Notturno, the Book of the Italian War: Political Commitment, National Regeneration and Its Ideological Roots". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.3, (Nov 2021): 710-740. Print. [Dante pp. 730-732; online:]

Nussmeier, Anthony. "Surprising Encounters: Manzoni’s Dantean Rhetorical Palimpsest (Promessi sposi VII-VIII and XXXIII-XXXIV)". Bibliotheca Dantesca: Journal of Dante Studies 4, (2021): 139-169. Print. [online:]

Olson, Kristina M. "Empty Flags and Fallen 'angeli': Dante and the Imagery of the Capitol Riot". Bibliotheca Dantesca: Journal of Dante Studies 4, (2021): 212-218. Print. [online:]

Ong, Yi-Ping. "How Shall We Let This Text, or Anything, Teach Us?: The Novel against Ethics; or, the Case of Elizabeth Costello". Comparative Literature 73.1, (2021): 1-22. Print. [Refers to Dante's Inferno, Canto 3, quoting lines 20-23. Mentions J.M Coetzee's allusion to Canto 3 in their novel Elizabeth Costello. There is also a brief comparison made between Dante's Virgil and the character John in Elizabeth Costello. The article cites Allen Mandelbaum's translation of Dante's Inferno (1980). Dante pp. 6, 8, 20; online:]

Ott, Ashley R. "Erasure and afterlife in Chaucer's Retraction". Essays in Medieval Studies 35, (2021): 135-152. Print. [Dante pp. 140-141, 142, 143; online:]

Parker, Deborah. "The Dante Lesson in Fuyumi Soryo's Cesare: Il creatore che ha distrutto".  Bibliotheca Dantesca: Journal of Dante Studies 4, (2021): 33-49. Print. [online:]

Pengue, Simone Raffaello. "La doppia natura dei suicidi del canto XIII del'Inferno: un parellelismo con la dualità onda-particella nella fisica quantistica". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 336-352. Print. [online:]

Penna, Cristina. "The Stuttgart Commedia. New Investigation on a Famous Dante Manuscript".  Bibliotheca Dantesca: Journal of Dante Studies 4, (2021): 87-120. Print. [online:; on ms. Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek cod. poet. et phil. fol. 19 (Stocc)]

Pertile, Lino. "Dante's Claims in and around Paradiso 25". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 2.55, (August 2021): 524-547. Print. [online:]

Peterson, Thomas E. "'Se non scritto, almen dipinto' : The Ethos of Becoming in Purgatorio 28-33". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 428-447. Print. [online:]

Peterson, Thomas E. "From the 'allora' to the 'non ancora:' Luzi's Essays on Dante". Bibliotheca Dantesca: Journal of Dante Studies 4, (2021): 170-188. Print. [online:]

Ponce-Hegenauer, Gabrielle Piedad. "Lyric and Empire". Modern Language Notes 136.2, (2021): 423-440. Print. [Dante pp. 428, 430, 431, 432, 434, 436; online:]

Purdy Moudarres, Christiana. "Legends of the Fall: Genetics and Corruption in Inferno 27". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 219-244. Print.

Quinlan, Siobhan K. "'Non ciascun segno/è buono, ancor che buona sia la cera': Dante's Poetic Conversion and the Metapoetics of Purgatorio". Purdy Moudarres, Christiana and Carol Chiodo, eds. Dante's Volume from Alpha to Omega. Tempe (AZ): Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021: 263-283. Print.

Riccardi, Silvia. "The Body in the Line: Trasumanar in Blake's Dante". Blake. An illustrated quarterly 55.2, (2021). Print. [online:]

Rushworth, Jennifer, and Francesca Southerden. "Editors' Introduction: The Case for a Medieval Barthes". Exemplaria. A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies 33.3, (2021): 209-219. Print. [Dante pp. 210, 216, note 4; online:]

Rushworth, Jennifer. "Barthes and Mouvance". Exemplaria 33.3, (2021): 312-326. Print. [Dante p. 323, endnote 12; online:]

Saiber, Arielle. "'The lantern of the world rises to mortals by varied paths': Paul Laffoley (1935-2015) and Dante". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 581-626. Print. [online:]

Saiber, Arielle. "Paradiso 33: Song of the Return". Dante Studies. The Annual Journal of the Dante Society of America 139, (2021): 188-216. Print. [online:]

Sbacchi, Diego. "La versione dantesca della corte celeste". Dante Studies. The Annual Journal of the Dante Society of America 139, (2021): 94-115. Print. [online:]

Schoups, Marie. "Sounds, Violence, and Power Structures in Among the Lost by Emiliano Monge". Romance Notes 61.3, (November 2021): 405-416. Print. [Dante pp. 410, 416]

Shepard, Laurie. "From Anthology to Authority in the Vita Nuova". Mediaevalia 42, (2021): 125-142. Print. [online:]

Smock, Ann. "'Nel mezzo del cammin': Queneau's Enfants du Limon". Modern Language Notes 136.3, (2021): 697-710. Print. [Dante p. 698; online:]

Southerden, Francesca. "Making Flowers Speak: Petrarch and Idiorrythmy". Exemplaria. A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies 33.3, (2021): 220-233. Print. [online:]

Steinberg, Glenn A. "Deconstructing Dante: How Things Fall Apart in the Paradiso". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 448-462. Print. [online:]

Storey, H. Wayne. "Introduction: The Pleasure of Dante's Text/il piacere del testo dantesco". The Romanic Review 112.1, (2021): 1-9. Print. [online:]

Storey, H. Wayne. "Painting (and Writing) over Dante". The Romanic Review 112.1, (2021): 158-180. Print. [online:]

Strathern, Paul. "Dante and Florence". Strathern, Paul. The Florentines: From Dante to Galileo: The Transformation of Western Civilization, New York (NY): Pegasus Books, 2021: 5-28. Print.

Todorovic, Jelena. "Textual Authority in the Vita Nova's Nineteenth-Century editions". The Romanic Review 112.1, (2021): 24-38. Print. [online:]

Trovato, Paolo. "Critical Philology and Dante's Commedia: A Couple of Thoughts and a Few Examples". Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 55.2, (August 2021): 257-268. Print. [online:]

Trovato, Paolo. "Un'ipotesi sulla data di inizio della composizione dell’Inferno e del  Purgatorio". Dante Studies. The Annual Journal of the Dante Society of America 139, (2021): 116-153. Print. [online:]

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